Data Protection:
This web-presence does not store any personal data
e.g. name, e-mail account, phone numbers, personal
preferences, hobbys or leisure behaviour, surf-his-
tory or memberships in any public or non-public
organisations of any kind.
Personal data will only be used for further proces-
sing, as long it is the clear desire and activly
initiated by the user himself like the use of our
e-mail generator in the contact section.
Cookys or files that can be used to track the users
surfing behaviour will not be created, initiated
or stored; Third-party cookies will not be monitored
by this web-presence.
In accordance with our technical provider of this
web-presence we do log data with each electronic
contact concerning as follows:
name of the demanded web-page, its files, date and
time stamps, transmitted data volume, return of
approved contact, type of browser and operating
system of the user, referrer URL and the IP-address
of the requesting provider and/or services.
The raised protocol data will only be used for sta-
tistical matters in order to maintain and improve
our technical basis. Under normal circumstances this
data will be overwritten or deleted within 30 days.
In case of obvious indications we reserve the right
to check and proof the raised protocol data for any kind
of legal violations and/or the misuse of this web-
presence in the aftermath.
We therefore inform herewith, that the legal basis for
this type of data processing is Art. 6 Abs. 1 S. 1 lit.
f DSGVO, which gives us the proven right for the listed
purpose of the described dataprocessing
In no case we use the raised data with the purpose
to identify individual users or to retrieve any
individual or personal informations.
Every user of this web-presence has the right to apply
information about the stored items concerning his
personal data.
Every user has the right to claim for the correction
of inaccurate data, blocking or deletion of all of
the stored personal data, as long as no legal action
or obligation of storage does counteract.